The number of vaccinated and deaths caused by COVID-19.

Data (2021-02-04)


X-axis. The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per 100k inhabitants in the respective country (i.e. “mortality”).

Y-axis. The number of vaccinated per 100k inhabitants in the respective country (i.e. “vaccination rate”).

Circle size and color. The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per 100k confirmed COVID-19 cases in the respective country. Higher numbers result in circles with larger diameters and brighter colors (i.e. “lethality”).

Zoom by dragging a cursor, click on Reset zoom to reset the view.

The number of reported vaccines.

How many vaccinations have been reported per country?

Can we assume that countries with higher share of population living in urban areas are more likely administer more vaccines?

Note the rounding of reported vaccination numbers in countries like China (i.e. 24 000 000) or Russia (i.e. 1 000 000) and compare it with the rest.


Box size. The absolute number of reported vaccinations.

Box color. Share of population living in urban areas in the respective country. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the boxes.

Zoom by dragging a cursor, click on Reset zoom to reset the view.

The number of days with recorded vaccinations.

For how many times have countries recorded the number of vaccinated so far?

There are 73 countries with recorded vaccination numbers. The first vaccination was recorded for United Kingdom on 2020-12-13. The last initial record is on 2021-02-03 for Saint Helena.


Area color. The absolute value of days with reported number of vaccinated. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the columns.

Zoom in by clicking on the “+” button in the upper left corner of the map, Zoom out by clicking on the “-” button there. Alternatively, use scrolling.

Frequency of reporting on vaccination.

How often countries report the numbers of vaccinated?

50% of countries with at least two vaccination records inform each 1.38 day(s) and more frequently.


Column size. Interval of 5.

Column color. The absolute value of days with reported number of vaccinated. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the columns.

Zoom by dragging a cursor, click on Reset zoom to reset your view.

Created by

Vít Gabrhel

title: "COVID-19: Mortality, Vaccination, and Population"
    storyboard: true
    social: menu
    source: embed
    css: ~/Desktop/Git/Personal/datamustflow/public/css/coder.min.a4f332213a21ce8eb521670c614470c58923aaaf385e2a73982c31dd7642decb.css
    theme: spacelab

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Load required packages
library(flexdashboard) # dashboard wrapping
library(readxl) # data import
library(stringr) # string manipulation
library(tidyverse) # data wrangling
library(tidygeocoder) # geocoding
library(crosstalk) # interactivity
library(highcharter) # charts
library(broom) #output of built-in functions cleanup
library(jsonlite) # json wrangling
library(geojsonR) # geojson wrangling
library(DT) # Table formatting
library(leaflet) # maps
library(leaflet.extras) # map tweaks
library(htmltools) # widgets

```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
# Data import

## Vaccination
## Source:

`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

vaccination <- read.csv('cumulative-covid-vaccinations.csv') %>%
                mutate(Date = as.Date(Date),
                       country = case_when(country %in% c('England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Gibraltar') ~ 'United Kingdom',
                                           TRUE ~ country)) %>%
                select(-Code) %>%
                filter(country %notin% c('European Union', 'World')) %>%
                group_by(country, Date) %>%
                summarise(total_vaccination = sum(total_vaccinations)) 

vaccination_latest <- vaccination %>%
                        group_by(country) %>%
                        filter(Date == max(Date))

## Mortality
## Source:

mortality <- read.csv('mortality.csv')

## Population
## Source:

population <- read.csv('population.csv') %>%
                mutate(country = case_when(country == 'Czech Republic (Czechia)' ~ 'Czechia',
                                           TRUE ~ country))

## Combination
vaccination_mortality_population <- vaccination_latest %>%
                          left_join(mortality, by = 'country') %>%
                          left_join(population, by = 'country') %>%
                          mutate(vaccinated_per_100k_inhabitants = round((total_vaccination / population) * 100000, 2),
                                 deaths_per_100_inhabitants = round((deaths / population) * 100000, 2),
                                 confirmed_per_100_inhabitants = round((confirmed / population) * 100000, 2),
                                 vaccinated_per_deaths = round((total_vaccination / deaths) * 100000, 2),
                                 vaccinated_per_100K_confirmed = round((total_vaccination / confirmed) * 100000, 2),
                                 urban_pop = as.numeric(str_remove(urban_pop, ' %')))

### **The number of vaccinated and deaths caused by COVID-19.**

vaccination_mortality_population %>%  
         hcaes(x = deaths_per_100_inhabitants,
               y = vaccinated_per_100k_inhabitants, 
               size = deaths_per_100k, 
               color = deaths_per_100k), 
         maxSize = "10%",  name = "Country")  %>%   
         hc_chart(zoomType = "xy") %>%
      hc_yAxis(type = "logarithmic", title = list(text = "Number of vaccinated per 100k inhabitants")) %>%
      hc_xAxis(type = "logarithmic", title = list(text = "Number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per 100k inhabitants")) %>%
      hc_tooltip(pointFormat = '{}: {point.total_vaccination:,.0f} vaccinated, 
{point.population:,.0f} inhabitants
') %>% hc_chart(style = list( fontWeight = "bold", fontSize = 16)) %>% hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ffx()) ``` *** **Data** *(2021-02-04)* * [*Vaccination*]( `r nrow(vaccination)` observations (multiple records per 1 country). `r ncol(vaccination)` variables (*Country*, *Date*, *Number of vaccinated*). * [*Mortality*]( - `r nrow(mortality)` countries. `r ncol(mortality)` variables (*Country* or *Number of confirmed cases*). * [*Population*]( - `r nrow(population)` countries. `r ncol(population)` variables (*Country* or *Population*). **Chart** *X-axis*. The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per 100k inhabitants in the respective country (i.e. "mortality"). *Y-axis*. The number of vaccinated per 100k inhabitants in the respective country (i.e. "vaccination rate"). *Circle size* and *color*. The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 per 100k confirmed COVID-19 cases in the respective country. Higher numbers result in circles with larger diameters and brighter colors (i.e. "lethality"). *Zoom* by dragging a cursor, click on *Reset zoom* to reset the view. ### **The number of reported vaccines.** ```{r} vaccination_mortality_population %>% hchart( "treemap", hcaes(x = country, value = total_vaccination, color = urban_pop), ) %>% hc_chart(zoomType = "xy", style = list( fontWeight = "bold", fontSize = 16)) %>% hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(colors = viridis::viridis(10))) %>% hc_tooltip(useHTML = TRUE,pointFormat = "{}
Number of reported vaccinations: {point.value:,.0f}
% of urban population: {point.urban_pop:,.0f}") %>% hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ffx()) %>% hc_legend(align = "center") ``` *** *How many vaccinations have been reported per country?* *Can we assume that countries with higher share of population living in urban areas are more likely administer more vaccines?* Note the rounding of reported vaccination numbers in countries like China *(i.e. `r format(vaccination_mortality_population$total_vaccination[vaccination_mortality_population$country == 'China'], big.mark = ' ')`)* or Russia *(i.e. `r format(vaccination_mortality_population$total_vaccination[vaccination_mortality_population$country == 'Russia'], big.mark = ' ')`)* and compare it with the rest. **Chart** *Box size*. The absolute number of reported vaccinations. *Box color*. Share of population living in urban areas in the respective country. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the boxes. *Zoom* by dragging a cursor, click on *Reset zoom* to reset the view. ### **The number of days with recorded vaccinations.** ```{r} # Load the world Map data data(worldgeojson, package = "highcharter") reporting_interval_map <- vaccination %>% mutate(interval=Date-lag(Date)) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(no_of_entries = n()) %>% mutate(country = case_when(country == 'Czechia' ~ 'Czech Republic', country == 'United States' ~ 'United States of America', TRUE ~ country)) hc <- highchart() %>% hc_add_series_map( worldgeojson, reporting_interval_map, value = "no_of_entries", joinBy = c('name','country'), name = "Number of days with recorded vaccinations" ) %>% hc_chart(style = list( fontWeight = "bold", fontSize = 16)) %>% hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(colors = viridis::viridis(10))) %>% hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ffx()) %>% hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE) %>% hc_legend(align = "center") hc ``` *** ```{r} vaccination_first <- vaccination %>% group_by(country) %>% filter(Date == min(Date)) ``` *For how many times have countries recorded the number of vaccinated so far?* There are **`r length(unique(vaccination$country))` countries** with recorded vaccination numbers. The **first** vaccination was recorded for **`r vaccination$country[vaccination$Date == min(vaccination$Date)]`** on **`r min(vaccination$Date)`**. The **last initial** record is on **`r max(vaccination_first$Date)`** for **`r vaccination_first$country[vaccination_first$Date == max(vaccination_first$Date)]`**. **Map** *Area color*. The absolute value of days with reported number of vaccinated. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the columns. *Zoom in* by clicking on the "+" button in the upper left corner of the map, *Zoom out* by clicking on the "-" button there. Alternatively, use *scrolling*. ### **Frequency of reporting on vaccination.** ```{r} reporting_interval <- vaccination %>% mutate(interval=Date-lag(Date)) %>% group_by(country) %>% summarize(mean_interval = mean(interval, na.rm = TRUE)) hchart(as.numeric(reporting_interval$mean_interval)) %>% hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(colors = viridis::viridis(10))) %>% hc_tooltip(borderWidth = 1, sort = TRUE, crosshairs = TRUE, headerFormat = "", pointFormatter = JS("function() { return 'Between values ' + (this.x - 0.5) + ' and ' + (this.x + 0.5) + '
Count: ' + this.y; }")) %>% hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Count")) %>% hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Average difference between two reporting points in time (in days)")) %>% hc_chart(style = list( fontWeight = "bold", fontSize = 16)) %>% hc_add_theme(hc_theme_smpl()) %>% hc_legend(align = "center") %>% hc_add_theme(hc_theme_ffx()) ``` *** ```{r} # Create the function. getmode <- function(v) { uniqv <- unique(v) uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))] } ``` *How often countries report the numbers of vaccinated?* 50% of countries with at least two vaccination records inform each `r round(median(as.numeric(reporting_interval$mean_interval), na.rm = TRUE), 2)` day(s) and more frequently. **Chart** *Column size*. Interval of 5. *Column color*. The absolute value of days with reported number of vaccinated. Higher numbers result in brighter colors of the columns. *Zoom* by dragging a cursor, click on *Reset zoom* to reset your view. **Created by**

Vít Gabrhel